Just leaving the board alone for a few minutes will cause a FIFO_FULL message?
Well, After I have looked at this topic http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/311969/ I found that there is also some logic for FIFO_FULL message to appear in my case. What I do?
My server sends TCP request to Espruino to get consumption statistic from water-flow sensor.
After I read data from the variable (flowSensor[0].volume()), I send data to console.log and back to the server in JSON-format through TCP connection.
So I suppose the problem arise when simultaneously three functions execute their commands: setWatch, console.log, socket.write
I need more tests to locolize the problem, but for now it works for 20 hours with a real waterflow sensor connected to the pin A0 with this change in the code: I execute socket.write("JSON formated data") with a delay of 200 ms.!
If I occasionaly send simultaneously 2 TCP requests in a row, I will get FIFO_FULL error because to many instances of functions will occupy the input buffer
Wow, ok. I must have missed that - that is very surprising then.
So you're saying that if uploading the code from here: http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/320598/#14228511
Just leaving the board alone for a few minutes will cause a FIFO_FULL message? Or is there some other code I could upload to a bare Espruino WiFi to see if I can reproduce it?