• #2
You can use
to check for the beacons advertising around you can can then do things based on that: http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_findDevicesEg.
function checkPresence() { NRF.findDevices(function(devices) { var found = false; for (var dev in devices) { if (dev.name == "whatever") found = true; } if (found) start advertising else stop advertising; }, 1000); // scan for 1 second } setInterval(checkPresence, 5*60000); // check once every 5 minutes
However actually checking for surrounding beacons takes a lot of power, so you don't want to do it often, or for long. The example above does 1 second every 5 minutes, which is still quite a lot. If you were doing this to save power you're probably best off not bothering and just advertising regardless.
• #3
Thanks for your responce, but this is
Uncaught Error: Field or method "name" does not already exist, and can't create it on Number at line 5 col 14 if (dev.name == "DiamondBeacon") found = true;
and when I use the simple example no name is displayed.. I want to scan with id(Mac address).
• #4
Ahh, try:
devices.forEach(function(dev) { if (dev.name == "whatever") found = true; });
Hello, I'm building an android app and I was wondering how I can advertise my puck's data only when ibeacon devices are detected from puck.. Could you please give me some info about that and probably part of code? thanks in advance!