Thanks - yes! Multi-byte transfer isn't as easy as just refactoring to use the call, as memory isn't guaranteed to be in one flat area. If you have to allocate a flat area of memory and then copy data into it then it'll actually take longer on most platforms - it's just that the time will all be concentrated before the transmission starts rather than inbetween bytes.
Realistically we'd be best off going straight for a function that sent SPI via DMA. We could then boost the standard SPI.send where possible, keep neopixel.write the same for all platforms, and add a new SPI.sendAsync or something that'd expose the fast functionality.
If graphics drivers could do that then the next chunk of data could be prepared while the current one was sending.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks - yes! Multi-byte transfer isn't as easy as just refactoring to use the call, as memory isn't guaranteed to be in one flat area. If you have to allocate a flat area of memory and then copy data into it then it'll actually take longer on most platforms - it's just that the time will all be concentrated before the transmission starts rather than inbetween bytes.
Realistically we'd be best off going straight for a function that sent SPI via DMA. We could then boost the standard
where possible, keepneopixel.write
the same for all platforms, and add a newSPI.sendAsync
or something that'd expose the fast functionality.If graphics drivers could do that then the next chunk of data could be prepared while the current one was sending.