function scanFunc(dev) {
if (! ||,4)!="Puck") return;
// you probably want to check ID, not name
// do something when this changes
You could increase the advertising interval for setAdvertising which would help a lot:
NRF.setAdvertising({},{interval:50, ...
// you'd have to experiment with values. Due to the way BLE advertising works it'll probably only pick up every third advertisement
In terms of fast connection, try something like this:
var lightAddr = "98:7b:f3:61:1c:22";
var characteristic;
function setLight(isOn) {
var gatt;
// if we have the characteristic, connect, write, disconnect
if (characteristic) {
return NRF.connect(lightAddr).then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return characteristic.writeValue(isOn ? 1 : 0);
}).then(function() {
// otherwise we have to search for it first
NRF.connect(lightAddr).then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.getPrimaryService("33160fb9-5b27-4e70-b0f8-ff411e3ae078");
}).then(function(service) {
return service.getCharacteristic("217887f8-0af2-4002-9c05-24c9ecf71600");
}).then(function(c) {
characteristic = c;
return characteristic.writeValue(isOn ? 1 : 0);
}).then(function() {
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
This seems to work for me:
You could increase the advertising interval for setAdvertising which would help a lot:
In terms of fast connection, try something like this: