However it'll require quite a bit of work, and I don't believe the firmware update keys are available for the watches - which means that you'll have to take every watch you want to use apart and flash the firmware with an nRF52DK by hand.
For quite a while I've wanted to get enough people interested that I could do that work myself and place a large order for watches with custom firmwares pre-programmed, but I'd have to get well over 1000 orders before they'd be interested in talking to me.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
There was a port to the DO003 smartwatch (nRF51 16k) but realistically it wasn't usable for much due to the low amount of memory.
There are some nRF52 smartwatches out there which Espruino could run on - some people have even reverse engineered some of them:
However it'll require quite a bit of work, and I don't believe the firmware update keys are available for the watches - which means that you'll have to take every watch you want to use apart and flash the firmware with an nRF52DK by hand.
For quite a while I've wanted to get enough people interested that I could do that work myself and place a large order for watches with custom firmwares pre-programmed, but I'd have to get well over 1000 orders before they'd be interested in talking to me.