• #27
choose this statement http://forum.espruino.com/comments/14021236/ to flash the distributed firmware from directory espruino_1v95_esp8266_4mb
• #28
Thanks, it seems to be working now. I still feel almost certain I flashed it using the same files and same command, and had it not work previously.
• #29
hi, i whana try flash my esp8266_4M over wifi, but how add 4MB-c1 parameter on command line from file wiflash.sh?
sh wiflash.sh espruino_esp8266_user1.bin espruino_esp8266_user2.bin
Flashing user2.bin
• #30
I don't think you need to specify that when flashing over wifi (my understanding is that it continues using whatever settings it was last manually flashed with) - just like you don't specify 4MB when flashing over wifi.
• #31
yes. At first attempt unsuccessed flash it whas problem by wifi connection. Seccond attemp it is successful. Thanks
• #33
Does this mean that one can t do Wi-Fi update from ones that use 4MB to 4MB-c1?
• #34
Correct, wiflash.sh sticks to flash map used with esptool.py.
That's what I've been using - and it works until it gets powercycled, and then it fails....
What baud rate is the debug output it's barfing coming out at?