But the plan is for a small, very basic board with just the BLE module and a voltage regulator. - and trying to keep it as affordable as possible. Having played around with some prototypes I'm probably going to revise that to include a button and LED, but there wouldn't be a magnetometer.
Having said that, the 0.1" pinout would make it trivial to add whatever other modules (magnetometer, gyro, etc) you wanted - most have such low power consumption you can power them off the GPIO, so you could just solder something like this directly to the side.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
There's a very long-winded thread with some stuff on it here: http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/310122/
But the plan is for a small, very basic board with just the BLE module and a voltage regulator. - and trying to keep it as affordable as possible. Having played around with some prototypes I'm probably going to revise that to include a button and LED, but there wouldn't be a magnetometer.
Having said that, the 0.1" pinout would make it trivial to add whatever other modules (magnetometer, gyro, etc) you wanted - most have such low power consumption you can power them off the GPIO, so you could just solder something like this directly to the side.