I'm afraid there's no ETA. Nobody makes anything off the ESP8266 or ESP32 ports, so it's very much a free-time project by members of the Espruino community like @Wilberforce. It'll get fixed when they feel like it or have a need for it in one of their own projects :)
If you need something where someone takes an active role in fixing issues then get an official Espruino board - they're a little more expensive, but that directly pays my salary so I can work full-time to make sure things get fixed in a timely manner :)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
It's this one: https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/1176
works fine on ESP8266.I'm afraid there's no ETA. Nobody makes anything off the ESP8266 or ESP32 ports, so it's very much a free-time project by members of the Espruino community like @Wilberforce. It'll get fixed when they feel like it or have a need for it in one of their own projects :)
If you need something where someone takes an active role in fixing issues then get an official Espruino board - they're a little more expensive, but that directly pays my salary so I can work full-time to make sure things get fixed in a timely manner :)