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  • @Gordon I am a big fan of what you are doing with Espruino. I bought the original Espruino board earlier...

    From my point of view the ESPs are simply too popular for not getting first class support from a firmware like Espruino. The connectivity feature of those chips/boards make them very tempting to play with (along with the price obviously). I think it could become way more popular by just giving the chilps/boards the attention they deserve.

    It is very hard to tell what is the right direction for you to go to make a living off of it all. I feel like the Espruino board business cannot scale though. I think the patreon thing seems to be a nice way of getting support for all the work (although not yet self-sustainable I can see). I personally decided to rather spent time contributing to the code as long as it is just a hobby stuff for me at this point. I feel like contributing that way is the best I could do for Espruino at this stage.


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