• #2
Great - thanks for posting up your solution!
Wifi module not found
happens because the IDE can't communicate with the board, so isn't aware that it is in fact an ESP8266 that has Wifi already.
Great - thanks for posting up your solution!
The Wifi module not found
happens because the IDE can't communicate with the board, so isn't aware that it is in fact an ESP8266 that has Wifi already.
Hi guys as it was a bit dificult to find a straightforward solution I just write a quick recap on how to fix de issue.
Board : NodeMcu ESP8266 ESP-12E CP2102
computer : Mac OS Sierre 10.12.6
Error that I got "Wifi module not found" and impossible to comunicate with the board.
How I fixed it :
I reflashed the board with this settings :
files are from the folder
NB : You maybe have to change the port
Have a nice day and enjoy
PS : I wrote this topic with more "SEO" keyword to be sure this will be more visible, and to help more people :)