• That sounds like a really neat idea!

    The normal Puck.write/etc is meant for a single connection, but Puck.connect returns a new 'connection' variable for each active device and will work just fine with multiple Pucks (I think the limit depends on the Bluetooth device in your PC, but it should be 5 or more).

    Here's some code which'll connect to multiple Pucks - just click each button and connect in turn, and then when a button is pressed on each it'll get reported.

      <script src="https://www.puck-js.com/puck.js"></script>
      <button class="connect_button" btn="A">Connect A</button>
      <button class="connect_button" btn="B">Connect B</button>
      <button class="connect_button" btn="C">Connect C</button>
      <pre id="log"></pre>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        function log(txt) {
          document.getElementById("log").innerHTML += txt+"\n";
        // Called when we get a line of data 
        function onLine(btn,v) {
          if (v.indexOf("Pressed")>=0)
           log("Button "+btn+" pressed!");
        // When clicked, connect or disconnect
        var connection;    
        var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("connect_button");
        for (var i=0;i<buttons.length;i++) {
          buttons[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
            var btn = this;
            var btnid = this.getAttribute("btn");
            Puck.connect(function(connection) {
              if (!connection) {
                alert("Couldn't connect!");
              log("Connected to "+btnid);
              // Handle the data we get back, and call 'onLine'
              // whenever we get a complete line
              var buf = "";
              connection.on("data", function(d) {
                buf += d;
                var i = buf.indexOf("\n");
                while (i>=0) {
                  onLine(btnid, buf.substr(0,i));
                  buf = buf.substr(i+1);
                  i = buf.indexOf("\n");
              // First, reset Puck.js
              connection.write("reset();\n", function() {
                // Wait for it to reset itself
                setTimeout(function() {
                  // Now tell it to print text whenever the button is pressed
                  connection.write('\x10setWatch(function() {console.log("Pressed");}, BTN, { edge: "rising", debounce: 50, repeat: true });\n',
                   function() { console.log("Ready..."); });
                 }, 1500);

    The majority of what's in there is resetting/loading code onto the Pucks and then reading one line of data at a time - the actual connection code is pretty simple.


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