I see I am going to further develop the very simple set up I have going. Basically, by the end, I want a nice looking UI and an underlying API which has full control over an esp unit from anywhere in the world. This would include calling functions, flashing device, and writing a custom library for some specific applications that I have in mind. Once I am done I will upload to github to share with others.
Gordon I was looking at the docs for the Web IDE, and it mentions flashing/programming over websockets?! I am really interested in this idea, what is your progress? I am willing to put in time to help make that happen?!
If you're happy with websockets and they work for you then I'd use them.
MQTT is lighter weight and you can use an off the shelf server for it - however you couldn't access it directly from a webpage... If you used that you'd have to set up your MQTT server to allow MQTT over websockets as well - and then you could have your webpage use MQTT as well.