• #52
I remember having that - search the esp32 gitter channel for a reference to header packet - something might come up....
• #53
This is what you wrote there:
Then your timing is off - run the script again and push the boot button
I just did a flash at --baud 460800 and it seemed to work fine.I tried pushing the Io0 button, and re run esptool.py but it does not help. Any other idea?
Attached a pucture about the board.
1 Attachment
• #55
It does seem to be one of those things that depends on how you hold you tongue!
Hold down reset and io0 and then release reset - keeping io0 down. You should be in boot loader mode then
• #56
Is there an advantage to using Espruino vs Eclipse for the ESP32 development? Is there any native functionality that gets lost?
• #57
I'm not using Eclipse, as long as you can edit the source files you can use anything!
• #58
@Wilberforce Thanks for the reply. I was under the impression that once you started messing with various IDEs you might loose some modules or features of the chip. Thanks.
• #59
The main ide once you are flashed, is to use the espurino ide to send JavaScript to the board..
• #60
Hi folks,
Here the latest ESP32 build updated to 1v91.381Please note that partitions have might have changed since the last update, detailed in README_flash.txt in the tgz file
You might need to /eraseflash too.
1 Attachment
• #61
@Wilberforce The ESP32 build works well. Cheers.
• #62
With the update I am ready to take the esrpuino plunge on my ESP32. Previously I have only used it for light weight development on the Esp8266. The chip will still have I2C, UART, PWM and control neopixels night? Do I need to find js libraries instead of C libraries for special operations?
• #63
There is fully completed firmware for esp32? There is any troubles with running code on it? All features of espruino is compatible with esp32?
Thanks for the fast reply. -
• #64
@PressAnyKey, there's a port in progress. @Wilberforce and @JumJum are leading it. You can also get them on the gitter channel here https://gitter.im/espruino/esp32
• #65
I like wemos d1 with ESP8266 so I thought that getting wemos built esp32 board would be good as it also has 4MB flash available. See https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=AS_20170420235556&SearchText=LoLin32 Would this be a good board to get to start playing with the ESP32 Espruino?
• #66
All of the esp32 boards I have seen are 4mb - because of the RTOS and libs, the firmware is bigger so you need that size. I have heard good things about the wemos esp8266 too, but have had not direct experience. I think it should be suitable.
I just recieved my esp32 supporting board, soldered ESP-32S (blue one).
when powering up i got this in a serial terminal:
The last line is repeating...
I press the reset and io0 and then release the reset, then io0, in serial terminal i got this:
Then I try to flash it:
What I'm doing wrong?