Avatar for hygy


Member since Oct 2015 • Last active Feb 2022
  • 6 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    Yeah, but theese are not complett devices with integrated ethernet port. So need to buy more things and solder and fail etc....

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    Somebody did this with arduino:


    If somebody want to implement it to espruino it can be a good starting point. (I'll be happy if somebody implement this to espruno.)

    • 1 comment
  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy


    I'm trying to make work 2 esp32 modules with lora. But I did not succed.

    espruino version: 1v99.4103
    pinout (i hope it is good): https://cdn.hackaday.io/files/2699111547­82944/Heltec_WIFI-LoRa-32_DiagramPinout.­jpg

    For tx code i use:

    SPI1.setup({ sck:D5, mosi:D27, miso: D19 });
    var sx = require("SX127x").connect({spi: SPI1, cs: D18, rst : D14 });
    setInterval(function() { sx.onIRQ(); }, 100);
    var config = {
      freq: 868E6
    sx.send("Hello", function() {
      console.log("TX done");

    for the rx config i use:

    SPI1.setup({ sck:D5, mosi:D27, miso: D19 });
    var sx = require("SX127x").connect({spi: SPI1, cs: D18, rst : D14 });
    setInterval(function() { sx.onIRQ(); }, 100);
    var config = {
      rxContinuous : true,
      freq: 868E6
    console.log('starting receiver');
    // enter receive mode
    sx.rx(function(err, inf) {
      // Error, or you get signal strength and data returned in an object
      if (err) console.log("RX ERROR");
      else console.log("RX>",inf);

    I got no erros. On tx I got nothing. On rx I got this after upload:

    >starting receiver
    RX> { "snr": 82, "rssi": 82,
      "data": new Uint8Array([82, 82, 106, 57, 74, 161, 198, 62, 219, 7, 163, 65, 161, 130, 133, 51, 199, 36, 195, 5, 38, 5, 180, 150, 128, 35, 21, 91, 209, 28, 236, 12, 240, 80, 184, 230, 197, 134, 10, 22, 185, 154, 4, 0, 65, 225, 192, 10, 25, 14, 79, 117, 132, 194, 240, 160, 192, 83, 163, 48, 201, 0, 242, 12, 28, 228, 98, 16, 132, 5, 180, 231, 64, 201, 65, 82, 108, 14, 10, 232, 244, 114])

    What I'm doing wrong?


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for hygy

    Try to connect firs from terminal. Eg minicom in linux

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    Can u post here a lora example?

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    When will be get this into the main line? In the next stable release?

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    Okay, the reset pin was wrong. Now, its working thanks.

    Anybody have an espruino example code with lora on a helltech board?

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    Thanks! I downloaded your binaries.

    Do you have example code for?

    • rx and tx with lora module
    • bluetooth

    Yesterday I successfully created a code to drive the oled, but with this espruino version I got this:

    >WARNING: jshI2CSetup: driver installed, sda: 4 sdl: 15 freq: 100000,
    ERROR: jshI2CWrite:, slave doesn't ACK the transfer.

    And the the code worked yesterday does not drive with this espruino version.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for hygy

    It works for me. (At least the first test.) I can connect (after a reset) with espruino ide. Thanks!
