I'm not sure I see the alteration that's needed to reduce power consumption? I don't think it needs an Arduino. 45uA isn't that bad for power draw - that's still 5 years on a 2000mAh battery!
Worst case you can add an FET to disconnect the LoRa module when it's not in use?
Also I think that particular article is about something else that just happens to have the word 'Puck' in it?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm not sure I see the alteration that's needed to reduce power consumption? I don't think it needs an Arduino. 45uA isn't that bad for power draw - that's still 5 years on a 2000mAh battery!
Worst case you can add an FET to disconnect the LoRa module when it's not in use?
Also I think that particular article is about something else that just happens to have the word 'Puck' in it?