There isn't QoS support in the MQTT client so that would be your problem in the latter tests. Because MQTT is running over a TCP/IP link which has QoS itself, there is no need to have it.
I've just made some changes to the MQTT library that will hopefully fix the problems you're having, so could you re-upload with the initial code and see if it is better?
Do you know what data you were sending initially? At least one of the problems seemed to stem from parsePublish being unable to parse the published data it was receiving - and about the only reason I could see for that was that the length of the topic and message together was just 1.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
There isn't QoS support in the MQTT client so that would be your problem in the latter tests. Because MQTT is running over a TCP/IP link which has QoS itself, there is no need to have it.
I've just made some changes to the MQTT library that will hopefully fix the problems you're having, so could you re-upload with the initial code and see if it is better?
Do you know what data you were sending initially? At least one of the problems seemed to stem from
being unable to parse the published data it was receiving - and about the only reason I could see for that was that the length of the topic and message together was just 1.