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  • Do you want to update Puck's interpreter firmware, or your JavaScript firmware?

    You won't be able to fully update the interpreter firmware without any manual interaction - it'd be a massive security risk.

    I think it would be possible to remotely send JS code that would totally reset a Puck.js device, and then all someone would have to do is hold the button down while the device reset. It could look like this:

    • Send code to a Puck.js via Bluetooth
    • press button - it could trigger a reset and start the bootloader process
    • software on a PC looks for devices in Bootloader mode and programs them
    • job done

    However if you want a lot of new ones pre-programmed then you could get in touch and if there were enough I could arrange that they were shipped out to you.

    Either that or potentially I could come up with a pogo-pin programmer for you so you'd peel off the silicone top, hold it onto the Puck for ~20 seconds and it'd be programmed.


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