• Yep: expensive, I got sponsered: they will be used for play and learn in education while the county council tried to find a sponsor for 5 that cover the town. In the meantime, they get setup and get used by kids if I can find the best solution for nodes with play and learn and fresh air measurements.
    The lack of internet connections (and power) is actually a small subset of the problems I have ( a luxury problem in europe) in order to allow for quick diagnose of a down gw.

    The play and learn pi GW will probably have a https://nodered.org/ server as I might as well put some of the pi to use with that (or any other crazy idea I get).

    Actually, the lack of a stable internet is sometimes a problem in some places in europe for play and learn

    There are many thoughts about GW and lack of Internet backhaul that I want to address in my solution that may have interest:: new thread??? @Gordon
