The example does say it's using software SPI as well - so the fact that B5/B6 are swapped doesn't matter as it's not using the underlying hardware.
What you've got looks ok - but can you remove g.on();? That function was added recently and shouldn't be needed since the display will already be on.
Can you also try adding g.fillRect(0,0,128,32) before g.flip()? It's possible that the display is doing something but the pixels are all offset so the text doesn't appear.
I'm pretty sure I've seen people use that Adafruit display before, so I'm not sure what the issue could be.
Please could you also try s.setup({mosi:A7,miso:A6,sck:A5});
Software SPI is actually pretty fast, and the WiFi's chip is faster than the Pico's. It could be it's driving the display too quickly! Making it read from a pin as well as writing should slow it down.
Perhaps you could try using hardware SPI as well? Just in case, as that will be better at lower speed stuff.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
The example does say it's using software SPI as well - so the fact that B5/B6 are swapped doesn't matter as it's not using the underlying hardware.
What you've got looks ok - but can you remove
? That function was added recently and shouldn't be needed since the display will already be on.Can you also try adding
? It's possible that the display is doing something but the pixels are all offset so the text doesn't appear.I'm pretty sure I've seen people use that Adafruit display before, so I'm not sure what the issue could be.
Please could you also try
Software SPI is actually pretty fast, and the WiFi's chip is faster than the Pico's. It could be it's driving the display too quickly! Making it read from a pin as well as writing should slow it down.
Perhaps you could try using hardware SPI as well? Just in case, as that will be better at lower speed stuff.