That's a bit worrying - I've never encountered that before.
Does the card work if you plug it into a PC?
By default, the only thing that's connected to the card is the 3.3v power line and GND - so assuming there's nothing obvious wrong with the Espruino Board (like a short on the contacts sticking out of the back of the SD card holder) then I'd say it would have to be a problem with the card.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That's a bit worrying - I've never encountered that before.
Does the card work if you plug it into a PC?
By default, the only thing that's connected to the card is the 3.3v power line and GND - so assuming there's nothing obvious wrong with the Espruino Board (like a short on the contacts sticking out of the back of the SD card holder) then I'd say it would have to be a problem with the card.