• I can confirm https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/Bluetooth-low-energy/nRF-Connect-for-desktop :

    • on windows, the nRF connect is an electron app, asar package
    • on ubuntu/linux, the nRF connect is an electron app, luckly not asar: pack out and cherry pick js
    • on OS X, I have not enough money for an apple :)

    It seems the techy aspects of bluetooth with browser is Wait for Chrome but does that give the techy "serialized softdevice commands" with two outcomes:

    1. puck.js can only be updated by an android/iPhone app that is not within Espruino control (no windows possible)
    2. something may work in windows os: but don't hold yr breath timeframes and possibilities are unknown

    Roll on Windows Desktop on Canonical Ubuntu: Xenix returns, with possible internal MS project name "Phoenix": but this is outside of the problem at hand.

    Edit: package.json

    "author": "Nordic Semiconductor ASA",
      "license": "Proprietary",

    A lot of code on Nordics github and unknown if "what is needed" is there.

    DFU seems to be https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/secure-dfu-web-bluetooth
    with a keyword Esruino in the package.json

    3 Attachments

    • electron app.PNG
    • unix-not-asar-but-electron.PNG
    • license and blobs.PNG