I think there's a lot that could be fixed on ESP8266 given some time on it.
For truly real-time stuff you're off to a bad start because you're having to share the same CPU with the WiFi, but there may be some things that can be done to improve that.
The built-in debugger will likely never be enabled though because it would require a significant re-design so that it didn't trip the ESP8266's watchdog timer.
It's all open so nothing stops anyone from fixing things themselves. However I'm not optimistic that everything will be fixed - purely because it's hard to expect people to spend weeks of time working for free on something that might not be that fun (although many ESP8266 contributors still do exactly that :)
If there was a way for me to make money out of ESP8266 I'd probably be willing to put some real effort into it - but unfortunately I just can't see a way of doing anything with it that people would be willing to pay money for when you can buy modules for just a few dollars and load the software on yourself.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I think there's a lot that could be fixed on ESP8266 given some time on it.
For truly real-time stuff you're off to a bad start because you're having to share the same CPU with the WiFi, but there may be some things that can be done to improve that.
The built-in debugger will likely never be enabled though because it would require a significant re-design so that it didn't trip the ESP8266's watchdog timer.
It's all open so nothing stops anyone from fixing things themselves. However I'm not optimistic that everything will be fixed - purely because it's hard to expect people to spend weeks of time working for free on something that might not be that fun (although many ESP8266 contributors still do exactly that :)
If there was a way for me to make money out of ESP8266 I'd probably be willing to put some real effort into it - but unfortunately I just can't see a way of doing anything with it that people would be willing to pay money for when you can buy modules for just a few dollars and load the software on yourself.