Realistically it'd be a few months from now. I've got to get a few outstanding projects finished before I take on anything else.
I imagine I'd have to sell them at around the $10 mark, going down a bit with volume. I can't go too low with the price as I'll have had to have spent the money up front buying at least 1000 of them.
On the breakout board, it depends. If I didn't solder, so literally just supplied modules and breakout boards, they'd end up being maybe $2 each, if that. If I had to get someone to solder them on then the price would go right up though.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Realistically it'd be a few months from now. I've got to get a few outstanding projects finished before I take on anything else.
I imagine I'd have to sell them at around the $10 mark, going down a bit with volume. I can't go too low with the price as I'll have had to have spent the money up front buying at least 1000 of them.
On the breakout board, it depends. If I didn't solder, so literally just supplied modules and breakout boards, they'd end up being maybe $2 each, if that. If I had to get someone to solder them on then the price would go right up though.