Sad to hear about the light sensor readings after blinking a LED - I intended to fake a proximity sensor by detecting light while still keeping the ability for signalling with LEDs.
Read a light value based on the light the red LED is seeing
I'll post my projects soon - I'm working on a module for using the Puck as an interface: a scroll wheel, e.g. to control volume through BLE HID (works already), and a simple API to control the LEDs, e.g.:
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
@allObjects @thedamos
Sad to hear about the light sensor readings after blinking a LED - I intended to fake a proximity sensor by detecting light while still keeping the ability for signalling with LEDs.
I think the problem could be related to the fact that the light sensor is (in? on?) the red LED, according to the reference: https://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_light:
I'll post my projects soon - I'm working on a module for using the Puck as an interface: a scroll wheel, e.g. to control volume through BLE HID (works already), and a simple API to control the LEDs, e.g.:
This mostly works too, but I'm seeing some strange bugs related to the event emitter that I haven't cracked yet.