Thanks - yes, it's a good point. I added code to the Puck.js page to cover the more exciting on-board peripherals but a totally forgot about the LEDs and button.
It's been a bit of a rush to get the hardware out on time and I haven't had as much time on the documentation as I'd hoped, but I will add a proper pin reference soon (like is there for the other boards) as well as those examples.
The original Quick start guide (and hopefully the tutorial built into the Web IDE) might be a good place to start for LED control for the moment.
Espruino has grown steadily from just one board to two, and now quite suddenly to 4 (plus the community-supported ones like ESP8266). When things calm down a bit here I'll have a good think about how I can re-organise everything to less confusing.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks - yes, it's a good point. I added code to the Puck.js page to cover the more exciting on-board peripherals but a totally forgot about the LEDs and button.
It's been a bit of a rush to get the hardware out on time and I haven't had as much time on the documentation as I'd hoped, but I will add a proper pin reference soon (like is there for the other boards) as well as those examples.
The original Quick start guide (and hopefully the tutorial built into the Web IDE) might be a good place to start for LED control for the moment.
Espruino has grown steadily from just one board to two, and now quite suddenly to 4 (plus the community-supported ones like ESP8266). When things calm down a bit here I'll have a good think about how I can re-organise everything to less confusing.