I'm trying to flash an ESP-12f board with espruino_esp8266_user1.bin from espruino_1v90_esp8266 which I got from the Download page. Seems to erase and flash ok but when conneting I get this error...
$þERROR: JshPinState [#defines](https://forum.espruino.com/search/?q=%23defines) have changed, please update pinStateToString()
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
load 0x40100000, len 2408, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0xe5
load 0x3ffe8000, len 776, room 0
tail 8
chksum 0x84
load 0x3ffe8310, len 632, room 0
tail 8
chksum 0xd8
csum 0xd8
2nd boot version : 1.6
SPI Speed : 80MHz
SPI Mode : QIO
SPI Flash Size & Map: 32Mbit(512KB+512KB)
jump to run user1 @ 1000
I flashed it just the same way I did for espruino_1v89_esp8266, with 1v90 I get the error with 1v89 I don't
C:\Espruino>python "esptool-master/esptool-master/esptool.py" --port COM3 --baud 115200 erase_flash
esptool.py v1.3-dev
Running Cesanta flasher stub...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Erase took 9.5 seconds
C:\Espruino>python "esptool-master/esptool-master/esptool.py" --port COM3 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_freq 80m --flash_mode qio --flash_size 32m 0x0000 boot_v1.6.bin 0x1000 espruino_esp8266_user1.bin 0x3FC000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3FE000 blank.bin
esptool.py v1.3-dev
Running Cesanta flasher stub...
Flash params set to 0x004f
Writing 4096 @ 0x0... 4096 (100 %)
Wrote 4096 bytes at 0x0 in 0.4 seconds (89.3 kbit/s)...
Writing 462848 @ 0x1000... 462848 (100 %)
Wrote 462848 bytes at 0x1000 in 40.1 seconds (92.3 kbit/s)...
Writing 4096 @ 0x3fc000... 4096 (100 %)
Wrote 4096 bytes at 0x3fc000 in 0.4 seconds (89.8 kbit/s)...
Writing 4096 @ 0x3fe000... 4096 (100 %)
Wrote 4096 bytes at 0x3fe000 in 0.4 seconds (89.5 kbit/s)...
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm trying to flash an ESP-12f board with espruino_esp8266_user1.bin from espruino_1v90_esp8266 which I got from the Download page. Seems to erase and flash ok but when conneting I get this error...
I flashed it just the same way I did for espruino_1v89_esp8266, with 1v90 I get the error with 1v89 I don't