Yes, I'd recommend something ESP8266 based. Either buy the module separately and wire it up, or use the Espruino WiFi.
The CC3000 was used before the ESP8266 was available - but by comparison it's more expensive, slower, and less reliable now.
Out of interest, where did you get the impression that you needed to use CC3000? It might be we have some old documentation that I should change.
@Gordon started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Yes, I'd recommend something ESP8266 based. Either buy the module separately and wire it up, or use the Espruino WiFi.
The CC3000 was used before the ESP8266 was available - but by comparison it's more expensive, slower, and less reliable now.
Out of interest, where did you get the impression that you needed to use CC3000? It might be we have some old documentation that I should change.