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  • Thanks!

    Yes, I'll try and add something...

    The packaging is commonjs-style, but quite basic. If you require something it'll look on (or wherever you configure), which is built from user-contributed modules on GitHub.

    You can set up a directory locally and grab modules from that, or can even just require a URL if you want to load something up directly.

    There are also command-line tools (npm install espruino) if you want to use your own IDE.

    But basically: if you spend your time trying to copy your existing Node.js projects you will probably get frustrated.

    Approach it as you said - with the attitude that you're working on a constrained device - and writing code for it will be fun. It's worth reading

    I'd also really recommend using the REPL in the IDE heavily as well, especially when dealing with hardware - being able to 'poke around' from inside the CPU is fun, and when you get used to doing it it'll save you hours of debugging.


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