ESP8266 version seems ok - it's what I'm using here. And that's using the google sheets example code exactly as-is, without any changes?
It's frustrating because 0x4290 doesn't even seem to be a valid mbedtls error code :(
I guess the lack of memory could potentially be causing an issue if it's having trouble allocating something during the handshake. I'll be releasing that new Web IDE soon which might help out with the low memory.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
ESP8266 version seems ok - it's what I'm using here. And that's using the google sheets example code exactly as-is, without any changes?
It's frustrating because 0x4290 doesn't even seem to be a valid mbedtls error code :(
I guess the lack of memory could potentially be causing an issue if it's having trouble allocating something during the handshake. I'll be releasing that new Web IDE soon which might help out with the low memory.