That only uses a single page of flash, but could easily be extended to handle multiple pages. What it does do is allow you to use the data directly from flash, without having to load it into RAM first.
If you're really bothered about 'named' files you could just write your own JS library to handle a simple filesystem - but FlashEEPROM does contain some fancy stuff to help reduce repeated flash erases for things that change frequently.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That only uses a single page of flash, but could easily be extended to handle multiple pages. What it does do is allow you to use the data directly from flash, without having to load it into RAM first.
There's also the
API so you can always access things directly: you're really bothered about 'named' files you could just write your own JS library to handle a simple filesystem - but FlashEEPROM does contain some fancy stuff to help reduce repeated flash erases for things that change frequently.