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  • I have the following code snippet:

    var options = { host:"", port:8823 };		
    var socket = require("net").connect( options, function() {
           socket.on('data', function(data) {
                console.log("HTTP> "+data);
           } );
    } );
    socket.end( JSON.stringify( obj ) );		
    console.log( 'should be sent by now' );

    Upon running, the server does not receive any data.

    I tried also socket.write( JSON.stringify( obj ) ) and putting write/end calls inside of the callback function - neither worked.

    The test code in Groovy works just fine:

    Socket s = new Socket()
    s.connect( new InetSocketAddress( "", 8823 ) )
    s.outputStream.withWriter{ it << 'aaaaa' }

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