Hmm, looks like it might be crashing after failing the second time.
On ESP8266 there are only a few pages reserved for saved code in the first 512kB flash though (I guess to make it work the same with all ESP8266 boards). It looks like there's too much code to fit into what's available (3 x 4k pages?). It might be possible to shift stuff around but it looks like memory is tight at the moment as-is.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hmm, looks like it might be crashing after failing the second time.
On ESP8266 there are only a few pages reserved for saved code in the first 512kB flash though (I guess to make it work the same with all ESP8266 boards). It looks like there's too much code to fit into what's available (3 x 4k pages?). It might be possible to shift stuff around but it looks like memory is tight at the moment as-is.