Well, a GPIO line should really be good enough. Could it perhaps be a timing issue, as displays often need a few msec after being powered on before they're ready?
You've also got to be careful that you don't power them up via their IO lines first (eg, if you init SPI beforehand)
I think you actually want a P channel mosfet (which pull the voltage 'up' to 3.3v when the gate is pulled down) - but hopefully you don't need that and it's some other problem :)
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Well, a GPIO line should really be good enough. Could it perhaps be a timing issue, as displays often need a few msec after being powered on before they're ready?
You've also got to be careful that you don't power them up via their IO lines first (eg, if you init SPI beforehand)
I think you actually want a P channel mosfet (which pull the voltage 'up' to 3.3v when the gate is pulled down) - but hopefully you don't need that and it's some other problem :)