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  • :) you're probably a bit of an outlier, in that you've already got a bunch of self-made RF-based home automation stuff you're using. IMO the use case you'd be most interested in is:

    • Set a Pi/server (which I guess you already have :) with BLE, running an MQTT server
    • Use these as wireless sensors, IR transmitters, or controllers for other stuff - but small, properly battery powered, and cased so they'd blend in.

    ... Then there's the possibility of IPv6, so you'll be able to treat these things almost like they're on WiFi, but just with a decent battery life.

    Also, modules with nRF51/52 are actually pretty cheap. By backing Puck.js you make sure that the software for them gets nice and mature, and then you can use it to make your own devices that use the bare modules - which IMO will work out cheaper than using separate radio + MCU :)


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