Do you have an external watch crystal on the Espruino? And is the firmware up to date?
I managed to get this recently on a Pico when there was a really bad power connection, and it kept powering on and off several times a second. Thinking about it, if it gets powered off right in the middle of initialisation, at just the right point, when it powers back on it could think that it has an external oscillator when it doesn't.
I'm really surprised that setTime fixes it though - are you sure? If so, it might not be what I think it is at all.
To fix it, unplugging, waiting a few seconds and then plugging back in should work fine.
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Hi Jon,
Do you have an external watch crystal on the Espruino? And is the firmware up to date?
I managed to get this recently on a Pico when there was a really bad power connection, and it kept powering on and off several times a second. Thinking about it, if it gets powered off right in the middle of initialisation, at just the right point, when it powers back on it could think that it has an external oscillator when it doesn't.
I'm really surprised that setTime fixes it though - are you sure? If so, it might not be what I think it is at all.
To fix it, unplugging, waiting a few seconds and then plugging back in should work fine.