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  • back ! :D

    All right, I now have a working audio bar graph ( but it seems the chars I'm writing are no more "blocks of different height" afer a reset ? -> I gotta digg the stuff to write from the char map, but it seems weird some chars work and some don't ( or have a different charcode: ex: 0100 or 00000100 gives me an @, but it seems not consistant ? I surely use it the wrong way .. ) )

    The char map/set I'm talking about is from the datasheet, "Table 4"­HD44780.pdf

    pics of bar graph before ( "blocks of different height") added
    Anyway, the "blocks" are gotten using lcd.write(0..7) ( increase the num for taller block )
    ( 'd be nice to know if we can have those flipped up without using special chars - to represent some audio stuff ;p )


    2 Attachments

    • IMG_0188.JPG
    • IMG_0187.JPG

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