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  • Well. Three year old thread. Did anything ever happen with this?

    Here's why: CAN bus communication is part of my bigger project (which involves WS2812B lightstrip control as well, as some of you know from my other postings).

    I got one of these on Amazon, 8 bucks:

    CHENBO(TM) Smart Electronics MCP2515 CAN Bus Module TJA1050 Receiver SPI

    I've been studying the datasheet for MCP2515, and there is an Arduino library for accessing this chip to reference. So, if no one else has implemented anything with the MCP2515 to interface with CAN, I guess I'll be contributing a module to the community soon...

    If there is already code out there, a pointer would be greatly appreciated!

    @Gordon: Much more than just OBDII (diagnostics). Virtually everything that happens in a modern car is sensed and controlled via messaging over CAN and LIN digital master/slave buses. Once on the CAN bus, it's possible to have an Espruino do all sorts of neat things. Controlling windows; entertainment; lighting; and on and on. Access to every parameter the car either senses or synthesizes.


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