• #2
Hmm, personally I'm not sure - you'd have to look at the chip's datasheet and match the pin names up - I know the ones on the watch I looked at were named a bit strangely...
Hmm, personally I'm not sure - you'd have to look at the chip's datasheet and match the pin names up - I know the ones on the watch I looked at were named a bit strangely...
I bought a watch very similar to this one mentioned by Gordon and want to read out the firmware via SWD (with stm32f4-discovery). But I couldn't find SWDCLK.
The cpu is DA14580 (datasheet) from Dialog Semiconductor. Everything (e.g., SWDIO) is labeled well - but SWDCLK is missing. I can't believe it.
Does anybody have an idea about the meaning of pins in the picture?
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