I've pushed some code, so the latest GitHub builds will at least have the idle loop bug fixed, and have big enough buffers for HTTP/Sockets so that data gets drained quickly enough.
However, now I increased the buffer sizes, I encountered an issue where res.end() tries to close the connection, so that's broken things as well! I think the solution there is going to be to count the received bytes and then compare them against the Content-Length header - but I think that's for next week :)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I've pushed some code, so the latest GitHub builds will at least have the idle loop bug fixed, and have big enough buffers for HTTP/Sockets so that data gets drained quickly enough.
However, now I increased the buffer sizes, I encountered an issue where
tries to close the connection, so that's broken things as well! I think the solution there is going to be to count the received bytes and then compare them against theContent-Length
header - but I think that's for next week :)