Just looking at this now - yes, there's something going wrong with the idle loop. While it counts events as it should, it's not counting when it can fire off a whole batch of events in a go.
As a result it limits to 128 calls on on('data' rather than 512 characters, and that's way too much.
I've just fixed that, but the limit of 64 bytes for a call to recv is still too few, so I'll make some changes to the network API too.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Just looking at this now - yes, there's something going wrong with the idle loop. While it counts events as it should, it's not counting when it can fire off a whole batch of events in a go.
As a result it limits to 128 calls on
rather than 512 characters, and that's way too much.I've just fixed that, but the limit of 64 bytes for a call to recv is still too few, so I'll make some changes to the network API too.