• #2
Well, write a module!
It uses I2C - get out the documentation, and start talking to it over I2C. Espruino makes it super easy to interact with I2C devices in real time, since you can just do it through the console. Figure out how to make it work (maybe look at the code for other microcontrollers) and do it.
Once you have code that works, convert it to a module (use one of the existing ones and copy the structure of it). Writing modules in Espruino is a piece of cake compared to writing a library for Arduino.
• #3
Hi Dr Azzy
I can probably hack something that works for my needs, but I don't have the time to develop a proper library right now. The unit has several operating modes and options which would need a more structured approach that I can give it.
If I find myself with more time than I thought I may give it a go, but wouldn't suggest anyone waits for a full solution from this direction.
Question remains though, is the Espruino community doing things where this type of sensor is of interest? LIDAR seems to be a big thing for positional awareness but poses some issues of scan speed and data crunching capability that perhaps isn't in Espruino's sweet spot.
Another sensor in the same area is the RPLIDAR:-
• #4
I think this is something that could be useful in robotics-type projects. 500Hz update is definitely possible with Espruino, assuming the I2C interface isn't too crazy. In fact, even if the Espruino wasn't used for actual calculations, it could act as a good interface to something more powerful, which might lack an I2C connection.
There are also some interesting (tiny + cheap) range sensors from ST that use time of flight: http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM132/SC626/PF260441
They don't use a laser beam though, so have a field of view of around 40 degrees and only 10cm range. I wonder whether the right lens over one of them might bring the FOV down and distance up, at least to the point where it'd be better for hobby robotics.
• #5
Thanks Gordon.
I am planning on using the device as an ad-hoc single end boundary crossing detector, so I need a good scan rate but then as far as calculations go I'm just looking for sudden changes in the measured range. I think Espruino should be fine for that. I will probably just use the PWM output which should be pretty trivial.
It would be great to see a module developed for the LIDAR-Lite distance sensor
These are flying off the shelves such that no one seems to have any in stock at the moment.