• For future reference, he is some information for people who want to try running the Espruino command line version on Windows (10).

    The requirements are pretty well described here: http://www.serverpals.com/blog/building-using-node-gyp-with-visual-studio-express-2015-on-windows-10-pro-x64

    I had to install Python 2.7(.11). The latest version of Python did NOT work so get version 2.7. I already had Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition installed. Make sure you select the Visual C++ option during your install.

    Other requirements for me were:

    1. SET PYTHON=C:\Python27 (The installer put Python in that folder)
    2. Just to be sure I added the Python path also to my path with SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27
    3. Open a Command Prompt with Administrative rights!

    After make sure everything was installed correctly I was able to use NPM install -g Espruino for a successful install. Unfortunately, I don't have an Espruino (or ESP8266) with me to test if it works. If nothing is connected to a serial port, then starting Espruino comes up with an error:

    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.0.13
    C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\espruino\bin\espruino-cli.js:277
            throw new Error("No Ports Found");
    Error: No Ports Found
        at C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\espruino\bin\espruino-cli.js:277:15
        at eval (eval at loadJS (C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\espruino\index.js:9:15), <anonymous>:56:11)
        at eval (eval at loadJS (C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\espruino\index.js:9:15), <anonymous>:13:12)