Hmm, that should be fine then. When the Pico freezes it's probably stuck in the middle of entering a function, with echo off.
Try [Ctrl-C] echo(1) [enter] and that may fix it - you might also be able to see what it was entering.
[Ctrl-C] echo(1) [enter]
As you've got the EspruinoTools source handy, you could try this:
It's a bit of a hack, but it seemed to work in that case.
@Gordon started
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Hmm, that should be fine then. When the Pico freezes it's probably stuck in the middle of entering a function, with echo off.
[Ctrl-C] echo(1) [enter]
and that may fix it - you might also be able to see what it was entering.As you've got the EspruinoTools source handy, you could try this:
It's a bit of a hack, but it seemed to work in that case.