It looks to me like the ESP8266 driver isn't actually closing the server when you say close... So it's possible the page is wrong and you actually can do TCP/IP requests while having a server. Might be worth a try?
But I'll have to fix the driver so that it properly closes the server. A hack for now would be (I think):
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Which ESP8266 firmware do you have? 0.25?
It looks to me like the ESP8266 driver isn't actually closing the server when you say close... So it's possible the page is wrong and you actually can do TCP/IP requests while having a server. Might be worth a try?
But I'll have to fix the driver so that it properly closes the server. A hack for now would be (I think):