median filter from the code above Gordon is returning 0 value, could you fix it?
average way isn't correct after while, on the beginning values are corresponding to multimeter but after few minutes average isn't change as fast an as accurate as value on the multimeter
average filter could be quite good if it could reset every some cycle of time and take fresh reading values for count
allObjects: your code is working but after setTimeout time I see both "waiting" and "CO2 measured..." commands - would like to leave only readings after 5min
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median filter from the code above Gordon is returning 0 value, could you fix it?
average way isn't correct after while, on the beginning values are corresponding to multimeter but after few minutes average isn't change as fast an as accurate as value on the multimeter
average filter could be quite good if it could reset every some cycle of time and take fresh reading values for count
allObjects: your code is working but after setTimeout time I see both "waiting" and "CO2 measured..." commands - would like to leave only readings after 5min