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  • I updated the code hosted on the repo by a working one ( although I needed to add more =undefined than expected( .. ) ), and also added a link to send it directly to the Espruino web ide ;p

    -> on this: do you plan on adding another 'API-like' handling for weblinks to the Espruino ide ?
    => aka, stg like­<..> additionally to, to be able to just pass the url of a file hosted on github, for ex ?

    For the above, you're right: I was tired & didn't recall one of the differences between left & right pane .. sorry for that :/

    For the SIM800L stuff, as I get no troubles loading either the AT or SIM900 module(s), it may seem the SIM800L module isn't getting enough power ( I just did a loopback test beteen A3 & A2 to check if they were ok & they are, while I only have two brief pulses of the LED on the SIM800L module )

    After digging the above & adding some basic code for SMS/CALL handling, all that's left to be done is finishing the circuit(s) & the project 'll be pretty much wrapped up :D

    -> I'll continue diggin that tomorrow, hoping to have that baked in the evening ;p

    See ya +


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