• hi, wanted to use this module again,
    used this code on the green Espruino

        I2C1.setup({ scl : B6, sda: B7} );
        var ads = require("ADS1X15").connect(I2C1); // <--- this now pulls everything from the internet
        ads.setGain(4096); // +/- 0.256mV
        ads.getADC(0, function(val) {
          console.log("Reading: "+val);
        function everySecond() {
         ads.getADC(0, function(val0) {
          ads.getADC(1, function(val1) {
           ads.getADC(2, function(val2) {
            ads.getADC(3, function(val3) {
        setInterval(everySecond, 1000);

    and got this error

    in function called from system
    Uncaught Error: Invalid differential channelSpec 0
     at line 1 col 157
    ...ifferential channelSpec "+a);c|=e}c|=d[this.gain];this.write...
    in function "getADC" called from line 10 col 7

    before it was working well
    is something wrong with the code? or module from "require function"?


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