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  • I got a bit fed up with people randomly linking to the performance page from Twitter and sniggering about whitespace changing execution speed.

    I came up with this - thought you might like it:

    Why not compile to native/bytecode?

    Memory is scarce on microcontrollers, and we want the source code on the device itself so we can edit and debug it without external tools.

    There isn't enough room on the microcontroller for source code and compiled code, but luckily source code is surprisingly memory-efficient.

    For instance take this code that draws a Mandelbrot fractal:

    var x,y,line;
    for (y=0;y<32;y++) {
     for (x=0;x<32;x++) {
      var Xr = 0;
      var Xi = 0;
      var i = 0;
      var Cr=(4*x/32)-2;
      var Ci=(4*y/32)-2;
      while ((i<8) & ((Xr*Xr+Xi*Xi)<4)) {
        var t=Xr*Xr - Xi*Xi + Cr;
      line += " *"[i&1];

    It's 301 bytes long.

    When compiled with SpiderMonkey, the following bytecode is created (obtained by running a debug build and dbg(function() { .... }):

    loc     op
    -----   --
    00000:  getlocal 0
    00003:  pop
    00004:  getlocal 1
    00007:  pop
    00008:  getlocal 2
    00011:  pop
    00012:  zero
    00256:  loopentry 1
    00258:  getlocal 1
    00261:  int8 32
    00263:  lt
    00264:  ifne 22 (-242)
    00269:  stop

    It's 270 bytes long. So you've saved 31 bytes over the original code, but now your code is totally uneditable and unreadable.

    If you compiled this into native code with the Espruino Compiler, the size of the binary would be 1136 bytes.

    But what if you rewrote it in C and compiled it in GCC with size optimisation turned on. That'll be efficient, right?

    void main() {
     int x,y;
     char line[33];
     line[32] = 0;
     for (y=0;y<32;y++) {
      for (x=0;x<32;x++) {
       double Xr = 0;
       double Xi = 0;
       int i = 0;
       double Cr=(4*x/32.0)-2;
       double Ci=(4*y/32.0)-2;
       while ((i<8) & ((Xr*Xr+Xi*Xi)<4)) {
         double t=Xr*Xr - Xi*Xi + Cr;
       line[x] = (char)((i&1)?'*':' ');
    $arm-none-eabi-gcc mandel.c -mthumb -Os -c -o mandel.o
    $arm-none-eabi-objdump -S mandel.o
    00000000 <main>:
       0:	b5f0      	push	{r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
       2:	2400      	movs	r4, #0
       4:	b097      	sub	sp, #92	; 0x5c
       6:	ab0c      	add	r3, sp, #48	; 0x30
     116:	bc01      	pop	{r0}
     118:	4700      	bx	r0
     11a:	46c0      	nop			; (mov r8, r8)
     11c:	3fa00000 	.word	0x3fa00000
     120:	40100000 	.word	0x40100000

    Nope. 290 bytes.

    However, if you minified your code with the closure compiler you'd get:

    var a,b,c;for(b=0;32>b;b++){c="";for(a=0;32>a;a++){for(var 
    d=0,e=0,f=0,g=4*a/32-2,h=4*b/32-2;8>f&4>d*d+e*e;)var k=d*d
    -e*e+g,e=2*d*e+h,d=k,f=f+1;c+=" *"[f&1]}print(c)};

    It's editable, just about readable, and it's only 167 bytes - so it is smaller than bytecode and even highly optimised native code!

    Type Size (bytes)
    Original JS Code 301
    Spidermonkey bytecode 270
    Espruino Compiled JS 1136
    GCC Compiled C code (-Os) 290
    Minified JS 167

    So by executing from source, we use around the same amount of memory as we would if we compiled or used bytecode, while still having everything we need to edit and debug the code on-chip.

    However, if you need to make things smaller, you can minify the JavaScript functions you don't need to edit, which will use less RAM than even size-optimised C code!


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