Hmm. The board ID is used to tell the web IDE what pins are available on the board... However having two builds that are almost the same does seem a bit pointless.
In fact boards like maple and olimexino do
share the same board file at the moment.
The whole board image thing is a bit rough around the edges right now. I guess it would be nice to redo it in such a way that we could have different images for the same board, and also so it didn't involve CSS :)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hmm. The board ID is used to tell the web IDE what pins are available on the board... However having two builds that are almost the same does seem a bit pointless.
In fact boards like maple and olimexino do
share the same board file at the moment.
The whole board image thing is a bit rough around the edges right now. I guess it would be nice to redo it in such a way that we could have different images for the same board, and also so it didn't involve CSS :)