Just to let you know that I've now added a graphical debugger into the Web IDE. It'll be in versions of the IDE that you install from GitHub.
It has:
Buttons to step over/into/etc
The current line number highlighted
When you hover over a variable name in the IDE, its current value is displayed
For it to work with lines highlighted you'll need the latest build of Espruino as well.
It's still a bit rough around the edges, so any help you can give in terms of testing (and fixing ;) would be appreciated. The actual code is here.
Stuff that's not quite right at the moment:
Sometimes the 'value as tooltip' causes the currently highlighted line of code to disappear.
'value as tooltip' only works for simple variables - however it wouldn't be too hard to look at the HTML nodes before and after here and to then sent the whole expression over to Espruino to evaluate.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Just to let you know that I've now added a graphical debugger into the Web IDE. It'll be in versions of the IDE that you install from GitHub.
It has:
For it to work with lines highlighted you'll need the latest build of Espruino as well.
It's still a bit rough around the edges, so any help you can give in terms of testing (and fixing ;) would be appreciated. The actual code is here.
Stuff that's not quite right at the moment: